Habían pasado ya tres meses desde que nos reunimos por primera vez y yo me moría por volver a verlo. Los dos deseábamos mucho pasar la navidad juntos, aunque para mí, la navidad nunca fue algo realmente especial, desde que lo conocí, de alguna u otra manera, ésta se fue convirtiendo en un momento cálido… Continue reading Mi primera vez en Alemania!
Tag: Love
How Love Changed My Heart
I know you made me stronger in my life baby. I mean like knowing and fighting for what I feel is important in this world. You showed me my own value and that we should not give ourselves and the people we love up. We need to fight with the love we feel for us… Continue reading How Love Changed My Heart
Hi there… I am Chris, I love Ultimate Frisbee, drawing, singing, making and hearing music and Jogging. My favourite music genres are Jazz, Swing, Blues and Funk music. A beautiful sunset is something, that can make a Sunday a perfect day. I love spending my time with the small beautiful things this life has to… Continue reading Chris
How Love can change a life
Part 1: When love comes from blood Now I am a fervent believer in the power of love.When one day I woke up in the morning, tired of living, while I felt that I was only breathing and my heart was beating because they had to do it, but not because I wanted to, I… Continue reading How Love can change a life
Know about…
Hello everyone, I’m Gia, I will start by talking a little about myself. I’m a Peruvian girl who loves her country so deeply, I love my Peruvian food so much, and if you ask me, I can’t stop talking about the dances we have here! Because… I love dancing! Dancing for me is like if… Continue reading Know about…