This page is a blog of my girlfriend Gia and me in which we want to write down our path together our emotions, about our fears and happiness. It’s a simple collection of the thoughts of two people who go truth this life in our times and luckily found each other even though we live round about 10,000 km apart from each other.
This distance makes this love not the least bit weaker than any other love I ever felt before, in fact, it is even the strongest love I have ever felt in my life and for her, it is the same. It appears weird somehow, but this love came so suddenly and strongly and changed our lives so fundamental, that we can no longer imagine living without each other. Although before this happened to us neither she nor I have ever thought about having a long-distance relationship.
We met through the app Slowly and wrote letters to each other until one day we exchanged numbers. Our letters where about a fictional love story we wrote together until at some point… There was a real love story coming into existence. Something so strong we weren’t able to hold back our feelings, our hearts that were so desperately longing for each other.
We want to tell you some stories, and maybe they can help you and your heart to find a spot in this world that makes you feel as loved and happy as we are. Maybe you will learn or understand something about yourself through our stories, I would be happy to know about it.
Why we chose this font
Gia loves handwritings, she just loves to see how different handwritings can look like and that’s the reason why I thought let’s make our website more beautiful. (Thanks to the Designers: Vernon Adams, Ben Nathan, Thomas Jockin, Cyreal)
Why we chose this background color
Gia favorite color is yellow and my favorite color is green, that’s why I chose some color in between those.
Why we chose this Icon
When I wrote her still the first letters, I told Gia that I felt like she has a strong and brave heart, because she was questioning my believes in a way I felt challenged to think about it myself. I love this about her and so I said that she has a little lion in her heart, an animal strong, beautiful and still sometimes cute. My nickname was Chrizzlybear and so when she asked me why she decided that I carry a strong and cute bear inside my heart.
Why we chose this logo
We often drew pictures for each other, I drew scenes from the story we wrote. I even sent her these pictures by mail. When she gave me her address, the first thing I did though was sending her roses, I couldn’t resist. So drawing is something that connected us so much.

And also…
Thanks to WordPress for providing this framework and the opportunity to create a blog so fast and easy.